Monday, February 26, 2007

the Geek site - the gate opens here

"the Geek site - the gate opens here"
Geek Site picture

This is the Site where I keep all my geeky stuff. Free software links and good stuff like that.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Alien Technology on Mars

Doe's this count as Alien Technology on Mars?


Sunday, February 04, 2007

A philosophical political rant by Jake the Snake

A philosophical political rant by Jake

It starts with the last generation's parents. Not the touchy feel good hippie generation, but their parents. The ones that went to the Moon! Thats what we need more of! We need innovation, not what ever it is the hell they are doing now. The founding fathers would be ashamed! Wilbur and Orville would have never left the ground with leader ship examples like we have now.

This is my theory on how the libs came to be in power. In the beginning when they couldn't stop the Vietnam war fast enough, they decided to take up teaching and politics. It took many years to accomplish their all important goal of leader ship! Slowly they manipulated and distorted the core values of the founding fathers and the American voters to create a feel good country. A really weird and ugly country to our sand dwelling and cave living in enemy's.

The left blames Administration foreign policy on the way that the United States is viewed by the rest of the world, especially the desert part of the world. They couldn't be more wrong! The religious people of the world take a look at the gay marriage and child porn freaks! They look at the (ACLU) and what they defend! Thats the foreign policy that the sand dwellers see.
That was a philosophical political rant by Jake the Snake.

Stop by: Jake the Snake on BlogGate blogs at